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Tuna Pasta with Tomato Whether you are bulking or cutting, this pasta recipe is great for you, all you have to do …

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Best deadlift grips compared

Best deadlift grips compared Deadlifting is one of the most effective exercises for building strength, muscle mass and power. It works your …

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Forearm Exercises for Grip Strength, Muscle Growth and Injury Prevention Forearms are one of the most …

Shoulder Sculpting Secrets: Exercises for Massive Delts - Shoulders are one of the most important parts of any bodybuilding routine if you want that chiseled, V shape. We jump right into how to build amazing shoulders.

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Profile: Gary Davies

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Seen 1 year ago
Member Since:
January 6, 2023
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My name is Gary and I run All About The Gains.
I am a qualified PT and have been training for 17 years. I have been involved in lots of disciplines from bodybuilding to boxing, functional training to kettlebells, running, Jiu Jitsu and H.I.I.T. I am currently a member of GB top team - an M.M.A gym in south London.

I have spent the last 15 years extensively researching topics on diet and supplements, muscle building, exercise and biomechanics and I write these articles so that the normal person can understand the topic, without having to visit 10+ sites. Each article I write is researched with reference to properly conducted studies. I link to all of these studies so that you can look into it yourself if needed.

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